Popular Beige Granites

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  • Santa Cecilia Light Granite

    Santa Cecilia Light Granite

    Designer Comments: Santa Cecilia Light is quarried from a bedrock quarry located in the northern part of Espirito Santo, Brazil. This granite is extremely popular because of the natural beauty and affordable price points it offers. It is readily available across the country. It is an extremely classic granite with a timeless beauty that matches and compliments a wide variety of cabinet colors and paints. It is probably one of the most popular granites on the market today.
  • Timeless
  • Giallo Santo Granite

    Giallo Santo Granite

    Designer Comments: Giallo Santo is quarried from a bedrock quarry located in the northern part of Espirito Santo, Brazil. This granite gives a slightly frosted snow crumble with under-turns of earthy fall leaves. It is an absolutely gorgeous granite with a timeless beauty and understated elegance that one has to see up close to truly appreciate.
  • Wow
  • Crema Bordeaux Granite

    Crema Bordeaux Granite

    Designer Comments: Crema Bordeaux is quarried in a bedrock quarry in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. The production level of this granite is very high. Due to its qualities, the slabs are book-matched, in which slab one and slab two will be cut and polished to create a mirror image of each other.
  • Beautiful
  • Giallo Ornamentale Granite

    Giallo Ornamentale Granite

    Designer Comments: Giallo Ornamentale is quarried from a bedrock quarry located in the northern part of Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is one of the larger quarries, producing more than one hundred truckloads per month. The production level of this granite is very high. Making this an affordable option for a beautiful stone.
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  • Colonial Cream Granite

    Colonial Cream Granite

    Designer Comments: With varying degrees of color and saturation, this veining granite has a sandy appearance like a rocky shore. The colors in this natural stone blend nicely with a wide variety of cabinet colors, from Antique White to Dark Walnut stains.