Granite Countertop Colors – Black Granite

Granite Countertop Colors

Black Granite

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Black Granite Thumb 1Granite Gallery: This is a collection of black granite colors, featuring more than a hundred choices for your inspiration. Scroll down to see more.

Versatility: Black granites fit equally well in both traditional and contemporary kitchens. Regardless of style, a black countertop can add a luxurious feel to your kitchen without forcing you into a particular color scheme.

Pros and Cons: Many of the darker granites are extra dense and less likely to absorb stains, which can make them easier to maintain. That said, dust and crumbs can stand out and black ants tend to disappear on the surface, so keeping the surface tidy can be a frequent task. If you’ve ever owned a black car, you know that awesome looks do require a bit more TLC.

Top Choices: Popular black granite colors include Absolute BlackBlack GalaxyBlack PearlCambrian BlackImpala Black, India Black, and Titanium. You can see samples of some of these popular granite colors at just about any slab yard in your area.

Important Caveat: While black granite tends to be more consistent than others, most granite varies quite a bit from batch to batch. Some of these granite colors will not be available at your local yard, so stay open to new ideas and enjoy the search!

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Black Granite Photo Gallery


This Granite Photo Gallery: BLACK GRANITE COLORS

More Photos: See hundreds of granite countertop colors from all over the world!